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National Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month

Spring is in the air. But, so are allergies! Learn more today!

Get ready for a sneeze fest.  This month we are talking about National Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month. 

What is an allergy? 

Allergies affect as many as 30% of adults and 40% of children in the U.S. They occur when the body’s immune system recognizes a substance as harmful and overreacts to it. Reactions can be uncomfortable, mild, or severe. The symptoms range from rashes, sneezing, difficulty breathing or anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock is the most dangerous and creates difficulty breathing.  For people with severe allergies, an EpiPen must be carried around in case of emergencies. Common allergies include: Latex, nuts, pollen, or insect stings.

What is asthma? 

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects about 25 million Americans. Asthma causes  your airways to become swollen or inflamed, making it difficult to breathe. Common asthma triggers include pollen and exercise. To tame these induced symptoms, doctors might prescribe inhalers and outline a treatment plan for each person. 

Both asthma and allergies deal with an immune system response, which is why they are often addressed together. We hope you participate in this month and learn a little more about this subject to help you enjoy this spring season sneeze-free!

If you are interested in spreading awareness for this month, fundraising, or taking action please visit this website: 


Air Quality Awareness Week

According to the World Health Organization, air pollution is one of the top threats to human health worldwide. In fact, the WHO attributes about 7 million deaths per year to the microscopic pollutants in the air— too small for us to see, but large enough to infiltrate our circulatory and respiratory systems and cause significant damage. 

Both indoor and outdoor air pollution can be harmful. Fortunately, there are things we can do to reduce our exposure to each of these.

Minimizing Exposure to Indoor Air Pollution

  1. If you’re doing any activity that can generate fumes or pollutants (such as painting, welding, sanding, paint stripping, or using a gas stove), make sure you’re doing it in a well-ventilated area— or even outside, if you can. To increase ventilation, you can open windows and doors and run a window or attic fan.
  2. Don’t allow anyone to smoke indoors. Secondhand tobacco smoke is responsible for many serious health conditions, including lung cancer, sudden infant death syndrome, and severe asthma attacks. Opening a window will not make it any safer.
  3. Reduce fireplace use when possible. Wood burning fireplaces generate much more pollution than gas fireplaces.

Minimizing Exposure to Outdoor Air Pollution

  1. Get into the habit of checking the Air Quality Index (AQI) each day. You can easily view this from any weather app on your phone. On days when the AQI is high, you should avoid exercising or spending a lot of time outdoors.
  2. You should also avoid exercising outdoors near any high-traffic areas, regardless of the AQI that day. Car emissions can increase the amount of pollutants in the air locally, and exercising makes it more likely that you’ll breathe the pollutants in.

Perhaps most importantly, you can reduce your personal risk for experiencing the health effects of air pollution by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing any chronic medical conditions, such as asthma, COPD, and heart disease. The Wellness & Stress Clinic is always here to help with this. To make an appointment, please call the clinic at (901) 306-5433. As always, stay healthy and stay safe!

—The Wellness & Stress Clinic Team


Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month

The month of April is dedicated to raising awareness about sexual violence— a pressing concern, given that an American is sexually assaulted every 73 seconds. Every single one of us can, and should, play a role in preventing sexual assault.

How You Can Help

  • Support survivors. First and foremost, believe them and let them know that they are not alone. Offer to accompany them or give them a ride to seek immediate medical attention or longer-term psychological support. Be careful not to pressure them to do anything that they are not ready to do.
  • Create safe environments. Implement or advocate for zero-tolerance policies in your school or workplace. Provide specific training on how to prevent sexually aggressive behavior on a consistent basis.
  • Learn and teach about consent. Understand that anyone who is being pressured, coerced, or manipulated cannot give consent, nor can anyone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Also be aware that consent can be revoked at any time.
  • Speak up when you believe someone may be at risk of being sexually assaulted. Step in to make sure that the person is safe, and if necessary, get help to do so.

Where You Can Get Help

  • The National Sexual Assault Hotline can be reached at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673). This hotline will connect you with a local sexual assault service provider that will be able to provide confidential support and connect you with further resources. This service is available 24/7/365.
  • The Shelby County Crime Victims & Rape Crisis Center provides 24/7 sexual assault forensic exams (rape kits), as well as other services such as crisis intervention, court accompaniment, trauma counseling, support groups, and many others. All of these services are confidential and completely free.
  • Sexual assault is a crime, and you have the right to decide to report it to the police and press charges against the person who assaulted you. If you are in immediate danger, dial 911. If not, you can dial the non-emergency line at (901) 545-COPS (2677).

WSC is also always here to support you— to schedule an appointment, please call the clinic at (901) 306-5433. As always, stay healthy and stay safe!

–The Wellness & Stress Clinic Team


Parkinson’s Awareness Month

The Month of April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month!

What is Parkinson’s disease? 

Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder that occurs when nerve cells that control motor abilities die or lessen. These affected nerve cells normally control the production of dopamine and norepinephrine.  With a lessened amounts of these chemicals, blood pressure and motor abilities decrease and often cause symptoms such as fatigue, tremors, stiffness, and impaired balance or coordination.  

Want to learn more? 

Here are a few other options provided by the Parkinson’s Foundation to help increase your understanding around Parkinson’s disease. (Source-

  • Events – We have lots of great events of all types. Fitness classes, education seminars, Expert Briefing webinars and more. Join us virtually and you’ll be sure to #KnowMorePD by the end of each event.
  • Podcast – Did you know we have a podcast? Every other Tuesday, we bring you a new episode of Substantial Matters: Life and Science of Parkinson’s. Episodes focus on a range of topics relevant to your daily life, including new medications, exercise, clinical trials, nutrition and more! 
  • Publications – The PD Library is an extensive collection of books, fact sheets, videos, podcasts and more that can help you #KnowMorePD. And, all our books are also now available on Kindle
  • Social media – Follow along and engage with @ParkinsonDotOrg on your social media platform of choice for the newest information to help you #KnowMorePD.

How can I get involved in Spreading Awareness?

The Parkinson’s Foundation is focused on sharing more facts with the public regarding Parkinson’s disease. Here is a short quiz you can take in order to brush up on your knowledge: Take the Quiz

You can also used the #KnowMorePD to promote the quiz and others participation throughout the month. 

If you have any questions about Parkinson’s disease, please feel free to call the clinic at (901) 306-5433 to schedule an appointment. As always, stay healthy and stay safe!

—The Wellness & Stress Clinic Team

National Donate lIFE MONTH

If you have a driver’s license or other state identification card, you’ve probably been asked about your organ donor status before. About 165 million Americans have registered as donors as of 2019. However, only 3 in every 1,000 people die in a way that allows for organ donation, which is why there is always a need for more willing donors. In honor of April being National Donate Life Month, let’s look at a few common myths about organ donation so that you can make an informed decision for yourself.

MYTH: If I’m an organ donor, the hospital staff won’t try to save my life.

FACT: Your life and health is the sole priority of the hospital staff treating you. Only after all efforts to save your life have failed will the staff begin to consider steps for donation. Donors receive even more tests than non-donors after death to determine if they are truly dead before proceeding with organ donation.

MYTH: I’m too old/not healthy enough to be an organ donor.

FACT: Anyone can sign up to be an organ donor. Only at the time of death is the transplant team able to determine which organs or tissues can be used. There are very few medical conditions that automatically disqualify people for organ donation, and age is not one of them. The oldest donor in the U.S. was actually 93 years old!

MYTH: My religion opposes organ donation.

FACT: Most major religions in the United States—including Roman Catholicism, Islam, most branches of Judaism and most denominations of Protestantism—view organ donation as a final act of compassion and love. However, if this is a concern of yours, it would be a great idea to bring it up with a member of your clergy. You can also read more about various religions’ perspectives on organ donation here.

MYTH: Being an organ donor will prevent me from having an open-casket funeral.

FACT: Donors’ bodies are treated respectfully and carefully so that there are no visible signs of organ or tissue donation. Having an open-casket funeral is entirely possible. 

MYTH: My family will have to pay for me to donate my organs.

FACT: Donors’ families are never charged for organ donation, only the medical interventions that were performed in an attempt to save your life.

MYTH: If I want to be an organ donor, all I need to do is check the box on my driver’s license or state ID.

FACT: While this is certainly one important step, you should also register with your state’s donor registry (which you can find at and let your family know your decision. This is the best way to ensure that your wishes are respected.

The decision to become an organ donor is a highly personal one, but learning about the process can provide a great deal of clarity for those contemplating it. If you have any questions about organ donation, please feel free to call the clinic at (901) 306-5433 to schedule an appointment. As always, stay healthy and stay safe!

—The Wellness & Stress Clinic Team


World Health Day

What is World Health Day?

Each year it serves to highlight a particular health Theme that is of the highest priority of the world health organization. This year’s World Health Day was on April 7th, 2021. 

How did it begin? 

World Health Day was first celebrated in the 1950’s by the First Health Assembly. Over the past 50 years this has brought to light important health issues such as mental health, maternal and child care, and climate change.

How is it normally celebrated?

The celebration is marked by activities which extend beyond the day itself and serves as an opportunity to focus worldwide attention on these important aspects of global health.

What is the 2021 theme?

This year’s theme is building a fairer, healthier world for everyone

Why is this theme important? 

Western cultures have been rapidly experiencing economic growth, migration, and urbanization. However, as revealed by our COVID19 pandemic, other countries have been left behind in this rapid advancement. This world health day is hoping to help undercut the poverty and food insecurity around the world to eliminate health inequalities.The campaign highlights WHO’s principle that “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.”

Want to learn more? 



If you have any questions about world health day or health equity, please call the clinic at (901) 306-5433 to schedule an appointment. As always, stay safe and healthy!

-Wellness and Stress Clinic Team

Alcohol awareness month

For centuries, alcohol has been one of the most commonly used substances in the world. It also happens to be the third-leading cause of preventable death in the United States, contributing to about 95,000 deaths per year. That’s why for Alcohol Awareness Month, we’re exploring what it means to drink alcohol responsibly.

First and foremost, not all alcoholic drinks are equal— for example, beer contains about 5% alcohol, while hard liquor is usually about 45%. This is where the concept of a standard drink comes in: one standard drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits (tequila, rum, gin, whiskey, etc.). These quantities all have a comparable amount of alcohol in them, and it’s important to realize that they don’t necessarily correspond to a typical serving size. For healthy adults, up to one drink a day for women or two drinks a day for men is considered moderate alcohol use, and this level of drinking is typically not a cause for concern.

Alcohol gets quickly absorbed into your bloodstream, causing your blood alcohol content (BAC) to rise. Below is a list of common symptoms that occur at certain BAC levels:

  • 0.02: Even at this low BAC level, you may start to feel warmer, more relaxed, and have impaired judgment.
  • 0.08: At this level, your balance, speech, and reaction times will likely be impaired. You may also have trouble with concentration, self-control, and short-term memory. This is also the legal limit for driving in most U.S. states, including Tennessee.
  • 0.15: Walking and talking become difficult. You may begin vomiting.
  • Above 0.40, your breathing may stop and you are at the risk of coma or sudden death.

If you’re curious about your BAC level based on your typical drinking habits, you can use this BAC calculator to get an approximation based on your height, weight, and how much you usually drink.

Here are a few other things to keep in mind for drinking responsibly:

  • Never drink and drive— if you intend to drink, have a designated driver or alternate mode of transportation planned in advance.
  • Eat before and after drinking. Having food in your stomach can slow the rate of alcohol absorption into your bloodstream.
  • Don’t drink if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant. This poses the risk of causing severe birth defects or fetal alcohol syndrome.
  • If you are taking any medications at all, including over-the-counter drugs, please check with your healthcare provider before drinking. Alcohol can interact with certain drugs and lead to harmful effects.

Lastly, be on the lookout for signs of alcohol dependence in yourself and your loved ones. These include drinking more than intended, having to drink more alcohol to feel the same effects that you used to, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, restlessness, or shakiness when you are not drinking. It’s also a good idea to be aware of your family health history, since alcoholism appears to have some genetic basis.

There are many, many resources available for those experiencing addiction. A good place to start is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) National Helpline, which you can call at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). The Wellness & Stress Clinic is also here to connect you with resources. To schedule an appointment, please call the clinic at (901) 306-5433. As always, stay healthy and stay safe!

—The Wellness & Stress Clinic Team


Checking your emotional fitness

Our days are filled with feelings, even if you don’t notice them. We get excited to eat as we pour syrup on our pancakes, we feel loved when we get a hug from a member of our family, and we feel nervous when we’re running late for work. 

Emotions are a normal and important part of life, even emotions that we consider negative like nervousness, fear or guilt. They help us make decisions, tell us when something is wrong and protect us. Without our feelings, our lives would feel a lot less whole. But when our feelings get in the way of our everyday lives and our relationships, it’s a good indicator that a doctor should help you assess your emotional fitness. The team at the Wellness and Stress Clinic of Memphis wants you to learn about emotional fitness, help you notice when you should seek help, and create a plan to stay emotionally fit moving forward.

What is emotional fitness?

Just like your lungs and heart need exercise and a well-rounded diet to stay healthy, your brain also requires care and attention. Understanding your feelings and how they impact your life is emotional fitness. Everyone experiences life differently, so there isn’t one set of feelings that make someone emotionally fit. Instead, emotional fitness is your ability to notice when your feelings move from normal and productive to unhelpful or dangerous. 

What are signs I should seek help?

It is really important to seek help if your feelings start to concern you. But sometimes, it’s hard to realize when your feelings have become harmful or dangerous. If you feel any of the following ways, we strongly encourage you seek help as soon as possible, either through the Wellness and Stress Clinic or through another health care provider:

  • When you feel emptiness or sadness that does not go away. 
  • When your feelings change your eating or sleeping habits. 
  • When you have less energy to do things you used to do easily.
  • When you stop caring about things you used to love. 
  • If you ever have thoughts of suicide or self-harm – seek immediate medical counsel. 

What can I do to stay more emotionally fit in the future?

Want to take a more active role in your emotional fitness? It’s time to create a fitness routine. Just like you make plans to walk for 30 minutes a day or eat one meal filled with vegetables, you can create habits that keep you more emotionally fit. Here are a few things you can do to get started:

  • Name your feelings. Do you know what feelings you typically experience in a day? Start writing them down as you feel them. Naming your feelings will help you track patterns and notice when your emotions are abnormal. 
  • Focus on your physical fitness. Did you know that emotional and physical fitness are connected? When you exercise regularly, make healthy eating choices and get enough rest, you will likely feel better! To become more emotionally fit, make physical fitness a priority.
  • Talk about your feelings. Sometimes when we feel anxious or nervous, it is helpful to say our worries out loud. Sharing with a loved one can help you process what you’re feeling and put your thoughts into a new perspective. But you don’t have to have someone to listen for this to be effective! Saying our feelings out loud is helpful to process them, especially when our worries or fears are starting to spiral. If you have a pet you can share with them, or you can spend some time talking about how you’ve felt throughout the day as you eat dinner or take a shower. You may find that saying what you feel out loud helps you feel better!
  • Start a meditation practice. Taking time in the day to sit quietly and breathe can do wonders for your emotional fitness. Even spending five minutes with your eyes closed and focusing on your breath can change your perspective on the day. People meditate differently, so you can try a couple different styles to find one that works for you!

Diabetes Alert Day – March 23rd, 2021

What is Diabetes Alert Day?

It is a one day “wake up call” that focuses on both the importance and seriousness of Diabetes and understanding your risks. This day is dedicated to remind you to look into your likelihood of developing type two diabetes. 

You can assess your risk for type two diabetes  by taking this test administered by The American Diabetes Association: Diabetes Risk Test 

Fast Facts:

  • Diabetes affects approximately 10.5% of Americans. 
  • 1 in 5 adults living with diabetes don’t know that they have this
  • There are three types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, and gestational
  • Type 1 diabetes: diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which your body doesn’t produce insulin for itself at all. People with this, must take insulin shots every day
  • Types 2: diabetes is caused when the body can’t make enough insulin for the body, and is most common in individuals over the age of 45.
  • Gestational: which occurs only in women during pregnancy, and goes away after the baby is born. However, women who have had gestational diabetes are more at risk for Type 2 diabetes after they give birth.


If you have any questions about Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes, or need help caring for a loved one, please call the clinic at (901) 306-5433 to schedule an appointment. As always, stay safe and healthy!

-Wellness and Stress Clinic Team

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

Every year, the National Institutes of Health celebrates National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week, an opportunity to address common misinformation about drugs and alcohol, particularly among teens. Below are some of the most common myths— read on to test your knowledge or to brush up on the facts before sharing them with the teenager in your life!

MYTH: Vaping doesn’t pose any risks to your health.
Most e-cigarettes contain nicotine, just like regular cigarettes. Nicotine is not only addictive, but also has been shown to harm the developing brain, including the parts that control attention, mood, learning, and impulse control. In addition, in 2020, there was an outbreak of e-cigarette or vaping-use associated lung injury (EVALI) caused by THC-containing vaping products, which led to dozens of deaths. Other possible long-term effects of vaping are yet to be known.

MYTH: There are ways to “sober up” quickly if necessary.
FACT: Coffee, cold showers, greasy food, you name it— none of them will help get the alcohol out of your system. Alcohol gets absorbed fairly quickly into the bloodstream, and the only thing that will lower the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream is time. It takes about one to two hours for your liver to break down the amount of alcohol in a standard drink (1 beer, 1 glass of wine, or 1 shot). The specific time depends on your weight and other biological factors, but there isn’t anything that can speed up this process.

MYTH: Marijuana isn’t addictive.
FACT: While less addictive than alcohol or drugs like cocaine, marijuana can in fact be addictive. Around 1 in 10 adults who use marijuana get addicted to it, and these odds go up to 1 in 6 if you use it before the age of 18.

MYTH: Prescription drugs must be safe— a doctor wouldn’t prescribe them if they weren’t.
FACT: Actually, since 2003, more people have overdosed on prescription pain medications like OxyContin and Vicodin than on heroin and cocaine combined. With prescription drugs, the context you take them in matters. Otherwise, it can still be considered drug abuse.

MYTH: Once you’re addicted, you’re addicted for life.
FACT: There are plenty of effective treatments available for addiction. A good place to start is by calling the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). This is a free, confidential information service available 24 hours a day to refer you to local treatment facilities, support groups, community-based organizations, and other resources.

If you have more questions about this topic, please feel free to call the clinic at (901) 306-5433 to schedule an appointment. As always, stay healthy and stay safe!

—The Wellness & Stress Clinic Team
