Month: August 2021

Weight management with diabetes

When it comes to managing your weight, there’s no shortage of extreme diet trends, supposed miracle recipes and wacky exercise fads. While these methods claim to be effective, they are often complicated to follow or unhealthy in general. On top of this, these weight management methods don’t always account for illnesses, like diabetes, where blood sugar can be dangerously affected by certain diets or exercise routines.

Weight management is an important part of treating diabetes, but the clutter of all these unhealthy methods can make it difficult for people with diabetes to find healthy and effective ways to manage their weight. Below we offer some helpful tips and reminders for weight management with diabetes.

Set achievable goals
Instead of starting extreme diets and excessive exercise routines, try setting realistic health goals. Focusing on creating new habits and changes you can maintain for a long time will help you manage your weight more effectively. Start with realistic goals that fit your life, like taking a walk every other day or eating more vegetables than sweets. When you start with more realistic goals, you create habits. Over time, these habits become easier and can be upgraded for a new challenge when you’re ready!

Focus on nutrition
While monitoring calories and cutting down on certain types of ingredients can help with diabetic weight management, overemphasizing this can actually be harmful to weight management goals. For long-term, sustainable weight management, it’s important to focus on providing your body with the right amount of nutrients rather than a certain number of calories or types of food. Restricting calories can be dangerous for a person with diabetes and can also make you more likely to want to binge eat later on. Likewise, restricting our diet to only “healthy” foods can make us feel frustrated and give up on our goals. It’s important to find balance in your diet by focusing on consuming nutritious foods, while allowing yourself to eat foods that make you happy!

Reach out for support
Managing your weight with diabetes can feel frustrating, but you’re not alone. Creating a support system of doctors, dietitians, counselors and friends and family who understand your
experience and can offer support will help you stay on track to accomplish your health goals. This also has the added benefit of being able to talk about the emotional struggles that come with diabetes. Treatment for illnesses like diabetes often only focuses on treating your physical health, but addressing your emotional wellness is essential to achieving long-term success.

Managing your weight with diabetes can be difficult, but with the right approach and trustworthy support, it’s achievable. The Wellness and Stress Clinic of Memphis is committed to providing free medical services to our community. Our one-on-one health consultations and educational courses can help you learn more about diabetes and how you can best control it. To learn more about our services, visit our website or call us at 901-306-5433.

Mammograms: All your questions answered

You may have heard that women over a certain age should get mammograms regularly, but without knowing what they are and why they’re important, it can be easy to dismiss this recommendation. However, mammograms are important screening procedures that are worth learning about (and then getting, if you choose to do so).

What are mammograms?

Mammograms are low-dose x-rays that are used to detect breast cancer, especially in its early stages. This is when breast cancer tends to be the most treatable.

Who should get mammograms, and how often?

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) currently recommends screening mammograms every two years for women between the ages of 50 and 74. Some other organizations have slightly different recommendations, and your personal risk factors (such as genetics, family history, and past history of breast cancer) can also help determine when and how often you should get screened.

What can I expect during the procedure?

A mammogram requires you to be undressed from the waist up, so it may be a good idea to wear a shirt with a skirt or pants (as opposed to a dress). You should also avoid using deodorant, perfume, or powder on the day of your appointment, since these products can actually show up on the x-rays and make them harder to read.

To take the x-rays, you will be asked to stand in front of a special x-ray machine with a lower plate to place your breasts on. An upper plate will be lowered to compress your breasts briefly to take the x-ray. Some people find the pressure of the plate uncomfortable, but it should only last a few seconds. If it hurts, you should tell the person administering the mammogram. Typically, two views are taken of each breast, which comes out to a total of four x-rays.

Where can I get a mammogram?

The Wellness & Stress Clinic will be offering free mammograms at our next Women and Children’s night on November 15 (not the upcoming one on August 23). Information on how to sign up for one will be provided closer to time.

If you have a regular doctor, you can also talk to them about when and where to get a mammogram. In addition, if you are on Medicare, you can call 1-800-633-4227 or visit the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services website.

As always, stay healthy and stay safe!

–The Wellness & Stress Clinic Team


Seasonal Foods and Recipes for August

Why eat in season? 

There are many reasons to eat foods that are in season! 

  1. They taste better! Just imagine: this is the food’s season! It loves this weather and will produce the best fruit or vegetable during this time because these are the conditions that this plant thrives in.
  2.  Less unnatural additives. Since these plants are in season, they are able to fully ripen without unnatural assistance. Thus, less unnatural additives to your produce. 
  3. Cheaper. Since the produce is flourishing during this time, there tends to be an abundance. Thus, with the higher supply, the price will normally lower. 

Produce in season for August: 


  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Figs
  • Grapes
  • Nectarines
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries


  • Peas
  • Sweet onions
  • Green beans
  • Cucumbers
  • Summer squash
  • Corn
  • Bell peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Hot peppers

Late summer recipes:  Here are some online recipes that make use of the beautiful August produce!

Greek Quinoa Bowls: 

Caramelized Onion, Fig & Goat Cheese Pizza with Arugula: 

Corn Tacos:

Peaches and Cream Puff Pastry Tart:


Safety Tips for that Summer Sun

The summer heat is in full swing! Are you protected from the rays? 

Why can the heat be damaging?
The sun emits UV rays which can be harmful to humans.  UV rays are the #1 cause of skin cancer. Additionally, too much unprotected sun exposure can lead to dehydration or skin aging. Thus, skin protection from the sun is vital. 

How to stay safe from the sun: 

  1. Cover up: Wear protective clothing or sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 30 (more is even better)!  According to the American Cancer Society, sunscreens with higher SPF numbers do lend more sun protection, but this difference becomes less significant as the SPF gets higher. Any sunscreen with an SPF less than 15 can protect you against sunburn, but not against skin cancer or skin aging.
  2. Seek shade when possible: Limit your exposure to sun. UV rays are most intense from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
  3. Hydrate: This is extremely important. You do not want to get dehydrated on a hot day. It can lead to dizziness, faintness, extreme thirst, confusion, or more complicated, long-lasting problems. An easy way to prevent this is to drink water frequently. Additionally, if your body is low in sodium due to excessive sweating, you will want to replenish that salt deficiency. Some ways to replenish include fast salt fixes such as olives, pickles, or sports drinks.  

We hope these tips help you stay cool during the summer heat!
