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World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day is held on December 1st and it is a day dedicated towards spreading awareness and information about the virus.  This day allows people to mourn the loss of family, friends, and partners who have fought the virus as well as reminds people to continue to support medical researchers who are actively looking for a cure.  In order to demonstrate a network of support for these families, let us take this day to honor all those who fought and are fighting AIDS. 

Quick AIDS/ HIV facts: 


Best prevention methods: 



People with HIV may have concerns for their risk of COVID19. Here are 2 helpful links. One is from the CDC that answers the general question you may be having. While the other link is from and has specific recommendations on preventable measures that can be taken to avoid getting COVID with HIV. Please note that information on the Coronavirus is still new and being obtained.  Changes and updates in information will be posted on these sites.  

  1. CDC:


How can I participate in World AIDS Day? 

There are multiple ways to get involved! Whether it be holding an event, spreading awareness, distributing contraceptives, or educating, you can help!

1) Reach out to a local HIV service organization and Volunteer!
These facilities may need your help with providing services like: 

(Souce: )

2) Hold events in schools and on campuses

In the U.S., approximately 25 percent of new HIV cases occur among young people between the ages of 13-24. Therefore, it is particularly important for students to speak up and spread awareness through organizational efforts.

Here is an excellent link in event ideas that you can hold at schools to get your community involved: 

3) Educate

Learn more about HIV/ AIDS. Here are some helpful links and resources about preventing, identifying, managing, and treating HIV/AIDS. 

4) Connect with others and spread awareness

Spread the word! Let people know that December 1st is a global health day! Here are some great social media infographics that can be shared: 

If you have any questions about AIDS, or think that you may have it or be at risk for it, please call the clinic at (901) 306-5433 to schedule an appointment. As always, stay safe and healthy!

-Wellness and Stress Clinic Team

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